3 Quick Tricks To Beat The Internet [Plus 1 New Habit]

7 April 2010

The internet is without a doubt our world's biggest time suck. Whether it's surfing, playing online games, shopping, or watching videos, the internet has it all, and the internet has you!!

Okay. Maybe that's dramatic. But it's true. The internet is supposed to be a tool, but for many of us, it's become our life. People are being diagnosed quite seriously with internet addiction disorder. But we can fight back!

So how can we beat the internet?

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We Must Fight For Simplicity

5 April 2010

Simplicity! What a lovely idea! It's so simple, it'll practically take care of itself!

Right? Wrong.

Simplicity is not an entropic, passive state.

A simple life takes activity and purpose to achieve and activity and purpose to maintain.

Clutter is entropy at work, and chaos is the direction the world naturally gravitates towards

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Oh! The Things A Thing Can Do! Part 2

30 March 2010

[To read the first part of this article, click here.]

Now that we've seen the true cost of holding on to all this stuff, what next?

The answer is simple: minimize the amount of stuff entering and staying in your life so you can focus on what's important to you.

By ruthlessly removing and evading the unimportant, we create time and energy for what's important.

So how do we accomplish this? Let's start with the incoming stuff…

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Oh! The Things A Thing Can Do! Part 1

26 March 2010

If you consider a Thing, any Thing, it seems there are three things a Thing can do:

  1. enter your life
  2. stay in your life
  3. leave your life

And we've bought into such a lie about each of these!

We call shopping "therapy." We think that owning something is a passive state that doesn't sap energy or time from us. We think getting rid of something is painful and unfortunate. We mourn when a Thing breaks.

A world of meaningful liberation opens up when we realize that this is completely backwards!

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How to Stop Procrastinating

22 March 2010

How can we stop procrastinating? I'm sure there are a thousand magical ways people will suggest, but in reality, there's only one way: get off your butt and do some incredible thing right now.

It sucks, and it's wonderful, and it's true. Now stop reading, go away, do some incredible thing, and don't come back until you have!

…I'll wait…

Did you do it? You say you need one of those thousand magical tricks? Well, none of them will make anything happen, sadly; however, many of them can make it easier and more appealing to "get off your butt and do some incredible thing right now." And decluttering is one of them!

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How I Threw Away All My Clothes

19 March 2010

As far as packrattery is concerned, clothing has always been my worst enemy. My closet was overflowing with shirts and pants I had never worn, worn once…you know the story.

Practically, it's simple to get rid of stuff; you pick it up, carry it outside, and drop it in the trash. Done! But emotions, insecurity, and unhealthy attachment can turn something simple into something painful and daunting.

I came up with a great trick that made getting rid of about 80% of my clothes simple and pain-free! It turns out that simply sorting my clothes into categories made all the difference…I'll explain how…

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The End

16 March 2010

…and they all lived happily ever after. The End.   A dozen or so earlier posts were removed when I switched to WordPress from Drupal. The newer stuff’s more interesting anyhow ; ) Love you, ] chloe [

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