Dear Rabbits,
Can I suggest the most simple precept to guide and direct your entire life?
Listen to your inner feeling of bliss.
A rabbit’s life is as simple as that, and if yours is more complicated, it’s because you make it more complicated.
It might sound painfully obvious, but do you actually live by this? So often other considerations take priority without our realizing it—convenience, other people, money, a feeling of control, habits, etc.
What could be a more simple and well chosen precept to guide and direct your life? Whether looking at a relationship, deliberating a career path, picking a word in a conversation or which head of kale to eat from someone’s garden, ask yourself “what will bring me bliss?”
Bliss could take many forms, including love, peace, or joy. But if you are allowing anything else to guide you, you might be wasting your life.
It sounds simple, but most of us aren’t used to listening to our inner feeling of bliss. And how weird is that?! It seems like nothing should be more habitual or instinctive! So why is this?
I see two reasons: one is that many of us live in a very brain-centered world. We live by our brain more often than our heart. We are rational, and there are many benefits to this. But there are problems as well when pursuing bliss, love, or joy. See, rationality and brain don’t know what the heart can know, and the heart is where our bliss resides. You don’t look for clothing in a restaurant, so why should you look for bliss in your mind?
The other reason we don’t often listen to our inner feeling of bliss is that listening takes effort. Especially the type of deep listening which is required for the heart. Listening takes effort, practice, space, and time. In other words, it’s terribly inconvenient when seen from our modern, fast-paced, internet perspective.
So I encourage you to make the time and space for your heart. Trust your heart and let it guide you to joy and love. If your heart is what feels bliss, if your heart is where bliss resides, then there is no more simple, cheesy, nor true answer to achieving bliss than “listen to your heart.”